I’ve been a passionate Afrikaner but not a political active Afrikaner my whole life. As a family we never celebrated Geloftedag. Although I lost many family members in the Anglo Boer War. Their graves in the war cemeteries in Heilbron, Edenville, Bethulie and Springfontein testify to it. Then from 1995 to 2020 I became part of the reconciliation movement, especially racial and cultural reconciliation. I first had to forgive the British for killing my family. Then I had to ask forgiveness for what the Afrikaners did in Apartheid. But in 2020 I had an encounter with the Lord that changed my life. The Lord made me an ex-Afrikaner in 2020. It was when I finally understood this scripture from Revelation 5.
Revelation 5:9
Then they sang a new song, saying: You are worthy to take the book and open its seals, for you were slain and have redeemed us to God with your blood OUT OF every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
That OUT in Greek is EX - like ex-wife. He redeems us (bought us OUT OF) our people and language and transplants us into a new people that consists of other redeemed people from all peoples, tongues, tribes and nations. He frees us from our “in Adam” descent, so that we can be grafted “in Christ” and have a new identity that can ultimately live reconciled with everyone. This is where our oneness lies. In Christ we are one. Not we need to become one. We are one in Him. The mystery of the gospel revealed to Paul - there is no Jew or Greek in the new people of God. Everyone is ONE NEW MAN.
So the Vow of 16 December no longer has the same meaning for me as in the past. I now belong to God the Father with an eternal blood covenant. The blood of my ancestors during the Voortrekker wars, Blood River and Anglo Boer war has been silenced by the blood of Jesus who speaks forgiveness for it and frees me from that cry for revenge and desire for self-determination.
Although I love my Boerevolk very much, I no longer belong to myself, my father’s homeland, my mother tongue and my people, I now belong to Jesus. I love my people according to my natural birth but according to my rebirth I am first family of Christ and his body, and that is my first priority.
And the temple called the Voortrekker Monument, with the sun worship and the annual “resurrection” of the motto “we for your South Africa”, I have repented of and brought it under the forgiving blood of Jesus. I now rather say “we for Your Lord Jesus Christ”, and lay down my life for Him. Fortunately, his grave is truly empty. And I don't have to go pray at a symbolic sarcophagus every year.
My desire for the Afrikaners is that we will bow before Jesus and make Him the Lord of our lives. And that we will be a TEMPLE for Him in which He can come and dwell in His fullness, according to the original vow made by the Voortrekkers. And that there will be sacrifices of praise from our lives, that we will bring the gospel with strength and perseverance to the far corners of the continent. Africa for Jesus. No more “me for you South Africa.”
May our reconciliation truly be “in Christ”. In Him, all things have become new.
Elizabeth Jordaan, the author of the One Heart guide, shares with us her testimony of becoming One on this Day of Reconciliation. We would highly recommend you download this free resource on our website ( https://www.24-7prayerafrica.com/prayer/one-heart) to work through and discover the gift that is reconciliation. It is also available on YouVersion. Use on your own, in a group or as a church and let us know when you do!