Our Calling is to resource and bless the body of Christ with resources that help along the journey towards 24-7, 365 day/year prayer. The goal is to revive the church and to rewire culture through prayer. These resources are free and can be accessed for download/streaming.
24-7 Prayer Podcast
The 24-7 Prayer Podcast has been created to celebrate the stories of God at work across the 24-7 Prayer movement, and to inspire you to grow in prayer and be practically equipped to pray for awakening.
The 24-7 Prayer Podcast will feature stories of how God is at work through prayer all around the world, and the impact that ordinary people are having on their communities as they pray and seek God’s kingdom.

An Interview - Church on Main | July 19, 2020
Nkosinathi Mbuyazi interviewed by Church on Main on the topic of prayer, mission & justice.
Pilgrimage | A Lectio 365 Series
Join Pete Greig as he travels 300 miles in the footsteps of the seventh-century Celtic saint Aidan, all the way from the Holy Island of Iona in Scotland to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne in England.
‘Pilgrimage | A Lectio 365 Series’ is a 3-week series of daily devotionals recorded on the road throughout this prayer adventure, immersing you in the sights and sounds of some of the oldest and most beautiful Christian sites in Europe.